Thursday, July 31, 2008
Journal #4 Virtual Worlds
A virtual world is literally what it says it is. A Virtual chance to make a Pseudo life for yourself while actually interacting with other people. You build your own homes, go on vacations. Have dinner parties, you make friends and have pets. You can do pretty much anything that you could do in real life. It seems somehow people have been using these virtual worlds to hold classes in, which is quite a controversial topic on the web. I guess what happens is some teachers create an instructor in the virtual world to do their lectures. It is argued that these methods rob the students of many of the benefits of a more traditional class such as participation. Yet the argument goes both ways a class taught by a teacher or an online entity, it’s the same class is class to them. One teacher is creating a novel setting where the students can act out the different characters, making their own “novel”. What a novel idea, no pun intended. I think that this new technology could be used in a positive manner in the classroom, but it is important to critically think about what is adding to children’s learning experience and what is taking away from it! At any rate, the real problem seems to lie in the fact that this technology is just so new, people tend to reject or disagree that they don’t understand or are not comfortable with. We tend to think of things the way they have always been but the truth is there is room for using the virtual world in a beneficial way in the classroom, if done properly. It is not a method to instill laziness in teacher, saving them a lecture. Education should always be in the best interest of one the student and secondly creating the best learning environment possible!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Journal #3
Living in an evolving society raises many questions for teachers. Questions that one might think would be simply answered but when truly thought about are not that simple at all. Such as what should we be teaching in the classroom? Excellence has always seemed to be the “logical” answer but we have come to find that there is an error in this system. Excellence without equity in some cases has proved to be ineffective in our improvement as a society. Equity is essential to growth because without it truly all you have is ignorance. “Equalance” is the balance between the two. As teacher we must teach our future to be one that values diversity. We must not squash creativity for academics because we would be doing a great injustice to many children. We as teachers must not only incorporate and mold ourselves to these changes but also help some of them along the way by believing these things and then teach them.
1.)How can I as teacher practice “equilance” in my class room?
By always remembering that diversity is not a problem but rather a value to our society. Remembering that change is not always easy but without it we would never improve. Knowing that every child deserves an equal opportunity to succeed and that sometimes that is only achieved by treating the differently, equally but differently.
2.)When do we know that we have arrived?
When creativity and the value of diversity not only in ethnicity but in all realms is valued the same in the school system and taught in balance with excellence and academics. We are not creating monster filled with knowledge but creative intelligent people who can contribute to society and to themselves.
6:15 – 7:30 "Restructuring for caring and effective education: The possible futures of education" Richard A. Villa (President, Bayridge Consortium Inc., San Diego).
1.)How can I as teacher practice “equilance” in my class room?
By always remembering that diversity is not a problem but rather a value to our society. Remembering that change is not always easy but without it we would never improve. Knowing that every child deserves an equal opportunity to succeed and that sometimes that is only achieved by treating the differently, equally but differently.
2.)When do we know that we have arrived?
When creativity and the value of diversity not only in ethnicity but in all realms is valued the same in the school system and taught in balance with excellence and academics. We are not creating monster filled with knowledge but creative intelligent people who can contribute to society and to themselves.
6:15 – 7:30 "Restructuring for caring and effective education: The possible futures of education" Richard A. Villa (President, Bayridge Consortium Inc., San Diego).
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Journal #2
This article raises a lot of legitimate concerns about technology in the classroom. Think when it comes down to it my opinion is s tike so many other things too much of it is not good for you! I think teaching technology in essential to children’s growth. For teachers such as the one writing the article I could see how incorporating something as big as computers into the classroom could be a big transition but all the same I goes right along with life long learning. That is what we signed up for “life long learning”. We as teachers will need to continue to mold our curriculum to best meet children’s needs for their futures. One aspect of this is Technology. While I see both sides of the coin, the teachers overall attitude about taking the time to learn and incorporate these technologies was rather poor. Yet, I also think that the district took it too far. To have people capable of watching your classroom without your permission and often without your knowledge is totally unnecessary and a misuse of the technology. She used good instances showing that technology was effecting other parts of learning that are necessary and important such as; social communication, problem solving and analytical thinking. The fact that over 70% of students could not tell the difference between finding knowledge and knowing knowledge is obscene!
1.)What is the solution to adjust these technological problems that need to be addressed in the classroom?
We must implement moderation! It is essential to use computers and incorporate them but they should not be in the class in front of the child at all times, this poses to many problems. But rather, the laptops should be allowed for certain projects at certain time so that it does not distract from the other important learning lessons.
2.)What are some of the disadvantages of computers that I will need to watch for when implementing computers in the classroom?
As a teacher I will need to pay extra attention that all children are on the same page, children will come into my class at all different levels of computer knowledge, it is important to be cognecent of this and teach each child according. Also mass commercialism is something to be aware of, who knows what might pop up on the children’s computers. Another disadvantage to consider is how to monitor what the children are doing on the computers; this is something to watch for as well.
Heller McFarlane, Sarah (summer, 2008). The Laptops Are Coming!
The Laptops Are Coming!. Rethinking Schools, 22, Retrieved July 21, 2008, From
1.)What is the solution to adjust these technological problems that need to be addressed in the classroom?
We must implement moderation! It is essential to use computers and incorporate them but they should not be in the class in front of the child at all times, this poses to many problems. But rather, the laptops should be allowed for certain projects at certain time so that it does not distract from the other important learning lessons.
2.)What are some of the disadvantages of computers that I will need to watch for when implementing computers in the classroom?
As a teacher I will need to pay extra attention that all children are on the same page, children will come into my class at all different levels of computer knowledge, it is important to be cognecent of this and teach each child according. Also mass commercialism is something to be aware of, who knows what might pop up on the children’s computers. Another disadvantage to consider is how to monitor what the children are doing on the computers; this is something to watch for as well.
Heller McFarlane, Sarah (summer, 2008). The Laptops Are Coming!
The Laptops Are Coming!. Rethinking Schools, 22, Retrieved July 21, 2008, From
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hi Class! My name is Sharon Kyle. I am a graduate student here at CSUSM and I am entering the credential program in the Fall. I got my undergraduate degree in Spanish and Biblical Studies from Biola University. Although I am from California born and raised, I have done quite a bit of traveling. I enjoy cultural, language and exploring the beauty of a diverse world. I am a free spirit and have quite an open mind. I was raised in a strict Christian home and as a product I attended Calvary Chapel Murrieta Christian School for my high school duration. Although it was an isolated community without little tollerance for diversity, I did find that I made many close friends there that I still keep in touch with today!
My experience with technology is strictly self-based. I am really looking forward to this class believe it or not I feel like I have already learned allot. My technological knowledge stretches only as far as I have ventured based on need and leisure. I will be the first to tell you that I am not the most technologically savvy but I will also be the first to admit that it is the way of the future and thus I must learn it. The truth is it is evident that technology truly has the potential to simplify our lives in many ways some productive. In other sometime it has the tendency to loose the personal touch that snail mail and a personal phone call can bring. At an rate, I look forward to learning new ways to implement technology not only in my personal life but also in the classroom.
I must say that I appreciate the mission statements ideals. I did not take the time to look at the missions statement before I applied for the credential program. I applied to CSUSM because of there education departments reputation. Yet, I believe very strongly that the reason I was accepted into the program is because by beliefs about education are very congruent with that of the education department. One aspect in particular is "life long learning", I believe that learning truly never stops we need to realize as educators that our society is constantly improving upon itself and it is our job to stay on top of things. Moreover, it is essential to realize as human being we also are evolving and changing, hopefully continually trying to improve upon ourselves.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Journal 1
As a teacher nowadays, there are all sorts of ways to update your lessons plans using technology. New computer technology not only encourages collaborative learning but it also prepares children to use technology in there professional lives. It is important to teach children about technology and it is easy to incorporate it along with any other subject. Social bookmarking, blogs and wikis are a couple of ways to use collaborative learning in the classroom. Often children use some of these technologies out of the classroom as well, thus it is something that is familiar and fun to them already. Also make the students work available to fellow peer encourages them to put extra thought and effort into assignments. Blogging is particularly helpful with keeping students up to date. One suggestion in the article was a weekly class log that included class notes and assignments. This was particularly helpful for students who are absent or need extra help because they can find all class information missed online. However children must also be taught the proper ethical use of computer technology as well so that it is not misused.
1.) Which technological programs would be pertinent for elementary school children?
I think children at that age would probably benefit from blogging, social bookmarking and collaborative writing tools. I don't really think that technology is pertinent to the younger grades who really need to learn the basics but I think from probaby 2nd grade on incorporating computer technology could teach new concepts and better facilitate learning.
2.) How would incorporating technology into my lesson plans benefit my class?
It would prepare the class for their future social and professional lives which will most likely include technology. It will enable the student being that our society has become more and more web based. It gives another method of learning that is hands on and it is said that the more modalities you use in the classroom the better children learn. Also, it encourages collaborative learning and teaches children how to work well in groups.
Mader and Smith, Jared and Ben (2008,July). Blogging Right Along. Learning and Leading with Technology , Retrieved July 14, 2008, from
Hifflet and Toledo, Rena and Cheri (2008, July). Extreme Makeover: Updating Class. Learning Connections, Retrieved July 14, 2008, from
1.) Which technological programs would be pertinent for elementary school children?
I think children at that age would probably benefit from blogging, social bookmarking and collaborative writing tools. I don't really think that technology is pertinent to the younger grades who really need to learn the basics but I think from probaby 2nd grade on incorporating computer technology could teach new concepts and better facilitate learning.
2.) How would incorporating technology into my lesson plans benefit my class?
It would prepare the class for their future social and professional lives which will most likely include technology. It will enable the student being that our society has become more and more web based. It gives another method of learning that is hands on and it is said that the more modalities you use in the classroom the better children learn. Also, it encourages collaborative learning and teaches children how to work well in groups.
Mader and Smith, Jared and Ben (2008,July). Blogging Right Along. Learning and Leading with Technology , Retrieved July 14, 2008, from
Hifflet and Toledo, Rena and Cheri (2008, July). Extreme Makeover: Updating Class. Learning Connections, Retrieved July 14, 2008, from
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