Thursday, August 7, 2008

Journal #6

With the new advances in technology it is important to see them as the asset the classroom that they are. It is common for change to be difficult especially for teacher’s that have been teaching for many years but, it is important to realize that in term of technology we must step out of our comfort zone to do what is best for the children. Yet when considering the vast dynamics differences of students learning styles and needs, suddenly a goal to reach each child suddenly become a lot more tangible with these new technological advances. Incorporating these technologies is no longer over achieving as a teacher but now as we see the benefits needs to become the standard. It is an opportunity to add depth to your lessons and meet the learning style dilemmas. This technology should hold teachers accountable, we now have the “how to” and thus there are no excuses for letting children slip through the cracks. It is important to remember that we need to give all kids the equal opportunity to learn and sometime that means treating them differently.

1.)How can I incorporate meeting multiple intelligences in my class room?

Give visual demonstrations that not only give word explanations but also with picture. I could lecture as well, offer hand outs or put the information on a class blog so that children who actually need to read the information verses hearing it could have that accessible to them as well. We could do projects often; hand on activity that could be online through for example. Bring in example that can be passed around and felt if possible. Collaborating these things not only reaches different intelligences but it also the more modalities used the better the subject is learned by all intelligences.

2.)How do you get kids from just remembering the information to being able to be innovative and contribute to it as well?

I think the answer therein lies again with how many modalities the lesson is incorporating and then if they are able to be repeated till the student is proficient. When proficiency is attained, you truly own what you have learned that is pinnalce.


Kuhn, M (8/1/08). Connecting Depth and Balance in Class. International Society for Technology in Education, Retrieved 8/05/08, from

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